Museum Mile in New York City

New York City as a premier worldwide tourist destination has many activities that attract millions of people a year such as going out to eat, viewing historical landmarks, shopping, and visiting museums.

The best location in New York City to see museums is a stretch of museums on 5th avenue, starting from 82nd street and ending at 110th street; known as Museum Mile. There are at least seven different museums incorporated into the section of 5th Avenue named Museum Mile, with there being 2 more museums that can be counted on Museum Mile.

The museums on Museum Mile are as follows: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Neue Galerie New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, National Academy Museum, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, The Jewish Museum, Museum of the City of New York, and El Museo del Barrio.

The first museum on the mile-long section is the Metropolitan Museum of Art located on 1000 5th avenue, which is the largest art museum in the US and contains a collection of over 2 million different artworks from countries such as Europe, Africa, Asia, and America. The Neue Galerie is located on 1048 5th avenue that contains artwork from 20th Century Germany and Austria.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is located on 1071 5th Avenue that is compiled of post-Impressionist, Impressionist, early modern, and Contemporary artwork. The National Academy Museum is an art museum that contains American work from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries; located on 89th Street and Fifth Avenue.

Apart of the Smithsonian Institution, the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum located on 2 East 91st Street is a design museum that focuses on sculptures, metal and woodwork, and architecture. Next is the Jewish Museum on 1109 Fifth Avenue, the first Jewish Museum in America that displays Jewish culture in the form of art.

The Museum of the City of New York is a history and art Museum meant to display the history of New York City, the museum is located on 1220-1227 5th Avenue between 103rd and 104th street. The last stop on Museum Mile is the El Museo Del on 1230 5th Avenue that presents Latin American and Caribbean Art that focuses on works from the Puerto Rican community in New York City.

There is a Museum Mile Festival that happened this year on June 13th, 2017 where all of these museums were free for any to visit and experience cultures from all over the world.
